Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to Fix Adult Acne

By Sheryl Pierce

Adult acne isn't any easier an experience than the acne you dealt with as a teenager. Sometimes it can even feel a lot worse because you might have thought you could avoid getting pimples as an adult. Of course, there isn't any real need for despair because there are a lot of treatments for adult acne and this article can introduce you to some of them.

One natural cure for adult acne that you should look into is aloe vera gel--a tropical solution from the succulent plant family. Aloe vera is in all sorts of lots of over the counter skin care products and works as a great moisturizer. Of course, when you suffer from acne it is better to use pure aloe vera which is more potent and it can get rid of your dead skin and kill the bacteria that is responsible for most acne.

If you have access to an actual aloe vera plant you should just cut it open and rub the pieces on your face. If this isn't possible, there are some pure aloe vera products you can buy that are almost as good. You will get all sorts of extra benefits by also drinking aloe vera juice because this can really help your skin as well as the insides of your body.

If you're a woman suffering from adult acne, you may have heard that birth control pills can be effective remedy. This treatment is effective but is laden with side effects so be sure that you talk it over with your doctor before putting it to use. Birth control pills lower the level of sebum (oily substance that contributes to acne) in your skin so pimples have a harder time taking shape. Studies show, however, that birth control pills--whether you take them for their intended purposes or just to fight acne--can have serious side effects like nausea, headaches, depression and an increased likelihood of developing heart disease. Because of these reasons, you will most likely be a lot better off choosing natural and safer cures for adult acne.

While nobody is totally sure how much of a factor stress can be in terms of acne, health experts tend to believe that it is significant. That's because when you feel lots of stress, you can experiences changes in your hormones, your skin and even in your internal organs. So while reducing stress may not instantly cure your acne, it's something you should pay attention to as you're pursuing other treatments. Stress can hurt your health and well being in lots of ways so it doesn't hurt you to hunt for ways to relax. If you can help your skin when you do this, what a bonus that can be!

For the most part it takes a variety of measures to properly treat adult acne. It's good to watch your diet, cut out the junk food as much as you can, take some supplements and track down an over-the-counter or even a prescription strength topical acne medication. You might also want to make yourself a face mask from some simple ingredients. Each of these approaches are great for helping to clear up adult acne issues. You may also visit Hydroxatone review.

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